Saturday, July 10, 2010


Cell phone is one of the very necessary assert of our live now a days or in this 21st century . Here i am publishing some of the interesting facts about cell phones.What is also called mobile phone or something bla-bla.
A mobile phone (also called mobile, cellular phone, cellphone or hand phone) is anelectronic device used for full duplex two-way radio telecommunications over a cellular network ofbase stations known as cell sites. Mobile phones differ from cordless telephones, which only offer telephone service within limited range through a single base station attached to a fixed land line, for example within a home or an office. Low-end mobile phones are often referred to asfeature phones, whereas high-end mobile phones that offer more advanced computing ability are referred to as smartphones.
There are various companies of cell phones and we to know them as we are using their acessaries in our daily life .
Apple is one of the best whole over the world and its items are best one . And now Samsung is also being popular in some few years its items are the best one in the market with reasonable price .